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Good-bye California

Outside of a few short stints in Arizona in 1989 and 1992, I have lived my entire life in Southern California. Long Beach, Lakewood, Cypress, Placentia, Yorba Linda, Anaheim and Irvine. This region is amazing, beautiful, climate-blessed, and a picture-perfect place for locals and those to dream to live here.

But I’ve always told myself that I didn’t want to spend my entire life in the same place. This world is too diverse and exciting to not experience more of it. But life gets busy. Distracting. Fulfilling. Comfortable. Major life changes happen (I'm certainly no stranger to them!), and I found myself clinging to familiar for stability.

Until, of course, I decided to take a calculated leap of faith, bet everything I had on myself and my dreams, and start a business. Things were going amazingly according to plan and my visions and dreams were tickling my fingertips. I was on the brink of major business breakthroughs and growth, and then…

March 2020.


Not only was I immediately quarantined with the college-aged daughter of my best friend, whose university had all students leave their dorms and move to an all-virtual environment (I adore her and we’ve both appreciated having each other for company!), but meetings and business negotiations immediately cancelled. Plans and contracts-in-progress were postponed, delayed, or worse, also outright cancelled. Blah, blah, blah, like so many other small service businesses. My situation was and is neither unique nor special.

But rather than allow panic to set in or get upset and distracted, I flew into action to pivot my business focus and applied for the much-touted government rescue assistance. I felt a powerful rush of excitement and opportunity. But all these things take time, and we all know the hiccups of waiting on the government (particularly when you figure out you don’t exactly qualify for most programs because you have no employees).

And then… I remembered my apartment lease is up in mid-June and my project management brain kicked into action. Do I re-sign? Find another place? Or…what are all my options?

Then I also remembered my other, almost lost-in-the-mix goal - to move away from California.

Wait - what? Now? HOW?? My income had just come to a screeching halt…that’s too risky, even for me.

It was then I realized that the rush of power I felt before wasn’t for the opportunities I had originally anticipated - it was for something altogether unexpected.

The universe did what it does best and answered my call, but not one that had my immediate attention.

I received a call from the best friends a woman could ever have, and they offered me an opportunity to come live with them to reboot, recover, and restart.

In another part of the country.

Well, hello universe. I hear you and I got it.

So, I am formally announcing…

On June 8th, I will leave California to restart my life and business in Murfreesboro, Tennessee! Located 30 minutes outside of Nashville, the metropolitan area is frequently recognized as a top growth area of the country - including for fashion!

I am BEYOND excited on both a personal and professional level to have this opportunity. I see endless possibilities and have already started reaching out to establish contacts and build relationships in the area.

Questions that may come to mind…

  • Yes, the two cats are coming with me. After the movers pack up all the furniture and boxes I AM taking, I’ll set out for a 3-day drive to TN. With two cats. Wish me luck.

  • Yes, I do love country music. And I know how to do the two-step and other dances.

  • No, I still won’t wear orange (ref: University of Tennessee. Sorry not sorry).

  • I’m going to Graceland and Dollywood as soon as I can.

  • I’ll be sharing my experiences on my mental shifts and moving antics on social media, and will curate this together as part of my 2nd book, “Identity Revolution,” which is targeted to publish in early Fall.

I Need Your Help

If you know me, you know that I’m not good at asking for help. But I need to push myself through this personal difficulty at this time to ask for it, for the first time in my life.

  • Very soon you will see posts for some of the furniture and other items I will be selling before I move. I would greatly appreciate it if you would share them or tag people you know who may be interested.

  • Although I am NOT closing my business (but am currently making some adjustments - another announcement coming!), I am looking for a full-time job in the Nashville area. If you know anyone who is hiring, or anyone in the area who would be willing to share a reference or point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it.

  • And finally…and this is the most difficult and completely embarrassing thing I have ever asked. I have created a GoFundMe and am humbly letting you know about it, to help with moving costs and bills that I won't be able to cover until I get a full-time job in TN. I’m not going to ask anyone specifically for a donation, but it’s there.

If you had asked me a year ago - or even a few months ago - if I had expected any of this, I probably would have laughed. But when the universe speaks, you listen. You open yourself up to new opportunities given to you. And you start a new adventure to create a new life.

Much love to all,


P.S. If you would like my new address, send me a PM.

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